Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Children Under Five Years According to Data Timing Many Spent In Online World

Children Under Five Years According to Data Timing Many Spent In Online World

A study, 80% of children aged under 5 years in America have been using the internet as their daily activities. This study was taken from the Sesame Workshop and Joan Ganz Cooney Center, a non-profit institutions.

Young children today are already using various devices and connected digital media, they have been using more than one type of media device. Analysis of this study also found that most children spend at least 3 hours a day to watch television.

American parents indicated that more than 60% of children under 3 years already watch videos online, they are very fond of YouTube. The more the growth of the child's age, the percentage of watching videos has become less and less. This is because they spent more time in school.

In addition, according to children aged 8 to 18 years of reporting from all the video content they enjoy, 20% of them obtained through online either through phone or other portable device. 36% of children aged 2 to 11 years to enjoy the television while using the internet at the same time, according to Nielsen study in 2010.

Tag : Anak Umur 5 Tahun Waktunya Banyak Di Dunia Online, Umur 5 tahun Sudah Bisa Menggunakan Internet.

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